Related Projects
This project focuses on the Aranda-Mastin technology, which enables the co-production of three essential raw materials (alumina, silica and precipitated calcium carbonate), using new resources whilst generating zero bauxite residue and zero carbon dioxide from production.
The project created, validated and launched the scheme for collection, transport and treatment facilities of key types of waste containing significant amounts of valuable and critical raw materials such as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries.
The CHROMIC project aims to develop new processes to recover chromium, vanadium, molybdenum and niobium from industrial waste, through smart combinations and new technological innovations. This will help reduce the CO2 emissions of metal production.
CREATE aims to develop innovative Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs) for low-temperature Fuel Cell (FC) and Electrolyzer (EL) at a lower cost. This will be achieved by elimination of drastic reduction of Critical Raw Materials in their catalysts.
CREAToR is an EU funded project, focused on process development and demonstration (to TRL 5) to remove hazardous, already banned bromine- containing flame-retardants from waste streams using continuous purification technologies.
The Crocodile project aims to drastically reduce the supply risk of cobalt for the European industries by increasing the efficiency of recovery processes for cobalt (and other relevant materials).
ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN3) is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of research funding organisations, supported by EU Horizon 2020, that builds on the experience of the FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN and ERA-MIN 2.
e.THROUGH is an intersectoral and interdisciplinary consortium of EU & Third Country partners of leading institutions that see waste as a resource to recover CRMs, influencing the whole value chain.
FineFuture is an HZDR lead research project, the main objective of which is to enhance the competitiveness of the European industrial minerals industry by developing new technologies to valorize fin particles from waste into valuable materials.
INFACT will co-develop improved systems and innovative technologies that are more acceptable to society and invigorate and equip the exploration industry, unlocking unrealised potential in new and mature areas.
ION4RAW proposes a new energy-, material- and cost-efficient mineral processing technology to recover by-products from primary sources by means of innovative Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) ionic liquids and advanced electrochemical methods as an only step.
MINE.THE.GAP aims to bring together technology providers and businesses in the mining industry to create new and improved value chains with new collaborations to develop products, technologies, solutions, and services for the raw materials and mining sectors.
The “Near-zero-waste recycling of low-grade sulphidic mining waste for critical-metal, mineral and construction raw-material production in a circular economy’” is a EU H2020 Innovation Action project and develops and exploits new ways to valorise sulphidic mining waste.
PEGASUS project is exploring a promising route towards the removal of Pt and other critical raw materials (CRM) from PEMFC and their replacement by non-critical elements & structures enabling efficient and stable electro-catalysis conditions.
Key target of the PLATIRUS project is to realise a significant contribution to bridge the supply gap of PGMs in Europe, by fostering the development of novel or improved secondary materials to PGM recovery supply chains from autocatalysts, mining and electronic wastes.
RECYCALYSE will disrupt the energy storage market through the development and manufacture of highly active sustainable oxygen evolution catalysts, and through a recycling scheme for membrane electrolysers catalysts, electrodes and overall system.
The REFLOW Project aims to develop circular and regenerative cities through enabling active citizen involvement and systemic change to re-think the current approach to material flows in cities. The project utilizes Fab Labs and maker spaces as catalysts for change.
RemovAL aims to overcome environmental issues and technological barriers related to the aluminum industry, by combining and advancing existing technologies for the sustainable processing of BR, SPL and other by-products generating revenue.
SCALE develops innovative technologies that can extract economically and sustainably Sc from dilute mediums (<100 mg/L) and upgrade them to pure oxides, metals and alloys at lower energy or material cost. This will be achieved through the development of a number of innovative extraction, separation, refining and alloying technologies
Sea4Value will design and implement technologies for recovering minerals and metals from seawater desalination brines. The aim is to make desalination plants the third source of valuable raw materials in the European Union.
SEArcular MINE
SEArcularMINE will prototype an innovative integrated process aimed at recovering energy and critical raw materials such as magnesium, lithium, rubidium and other trace elements, from waste brines in Mediterranean basin saltworks.
The main goal of the SecREEts project is to establish a stable and secure supply of critical rare earth elements based on a sustainable extraction from European apatite sources used in fertiliser production.
SisAI Pilot
SisAl Pilot is a project funded by Horizon 2020 and it aims to demonstrate a patented novel industrial process to produce silicon, enabling a shift from today’s carbothermic Submerged Arc Furnace process to a far more environmentally and economically sustainable alternative.
SLIM aims to develop a cost-effective and sustainable selective low impact mining solution based on non-linear rock mass fragmentation by blasting models, airborne particulate matter, vibration affections and nitrate leaching mitigation actions for exploitation of small mineral deposits
SULTAN develops cutting-edge methodologies to assess the resource potential of Europe’s main tailings families and explores eco-friendly mining chemicals to be used in advanced metal-extraction/recovery set-ups.
“Sustainable Recovery, Reprocessing and Reuse of Rare Earth Magnets in a European Circular Economy” project aims to develop a recycling supply chain for rare earth magnets in the European Union and to demonstrate the effective reuse of recycled rare earth materials.
TARANTULA’s overarching objective is to develop a toolkit of novel, efficient and flexible metallurgical technologies with high selectivity and recovery rates with respect to W, Nb and Ta.
WOOL2LOOP provides new smart demolition and sorting technologies combined with a novel analysis method for mineral wool waste that enables separating the material based on its suitability for alkali-activation.
- Project coordination
Rebeca Varela Figueroa, PhD
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